Title sequences: the good stuff

Forget the film, watch the titles - SubmarineChannel

Lots of good quality digital video of animated title sequences on there. I'm browsing to research title design, I swears it!

Doesn't have much to do with our film, really... other than, like our film, being totally awesome.

The Danse Macabre in a form I can get behind.
I loves me some Gattaca and it pleases me greatly to read the only digital element of the sequence was for setting some type - suck it Dexter.
The obligatory David Lynch!!

Also, more for curiosity's sake than me actually wanting you to watch them - two more by Cuppa Coffee.


mélanie daigle said...

This is DANGEROUSLY inspiring stuff, Amber!
And not for this year, hahaha! Especially like "Ça se soigne?" for, well... everything. And the old school gritty "Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo" :p
Speaking of old school, I'm totally putting my titles at the beginning of my film next year. And making a huge deal out of them. Yeah.

Amber Gail said...

http://prettycoolpeopleinterviews.submarinechannel.nl/interviews/item/27 - Did you see?
Those titles are way longer than your film is supposed to be!