
Quick attempt at boarding the sequence between 2+3.

Truck in through the door to the next shot where Old Lady is looking up at the Judge. A large hand appears, picks Old Lady up, and starts going off screen right. Cut to Ms. Ecks looking awed/terrified.

Let me know what you think.


mélanie daigle said...

The first batch of 3 post its would make a kick ass vertical pan, with the doorway overlay, and columns ol/uls... Just a big sweep downward through the opening, and a big sweep in, and up. It'd be a great introduction to the space, yet it keeps some surprises to be revealed - like the projectionist. Awesome. I'd be tempted to add a shot of the old lady's expression before cutting to the next panels. I like how the hand is the first thing we see of him, but I'm not sure about the way he grabs the old lady. Seems a bit much to have the whole huge hand grabbing her, I personally like him using his thumb and index on the person's head. Hope this helps?

Amber Gail said...

I feel weird writing this because I can't think of a clear explanation of why I feel this way for the life of me. The look of awe and terror on her face in the cut away seems odd. Is she poking her head out of the door into the court? Maybe it is the full frontal floating head that just seems out of place.

gela said...

overall tho, i like the approach u took, anD appreciate the fact that u took it upon urself to actually fill in this gap! =D

i'm also extremely happy with the fact that we've reacheD this amazing thing calleD a consensus. =D